
Spoiler Alert: People Die!

With the culmination of the Marvel films leading to this most recent one, I started contemplating my “End Game”. Not just in my life, but in my business. We are all surrounded by death and we never know when it’s going to come. It seems we spend most of our lives trying to avoid death, but it’s inevitable. So, why not change our perception of death? Not as something we try to escape, but something we move towards.

Let me explain, a couple of weeks ago, my neighbor woke me up in a panicked state. Her mother, Marian, was unconscious on the floor of her bedroom. The ambulance had already been called and I immediately ran to her side. I checked her pulse on her neck, put my ear to her chest, and tilted her head back, nothing. All I could hear was a gurgle. Immediately I blew air into her lungs and began compressions on her chest. 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 … and on until I would stop, check for a pulse again, and repeat the steps a couple more times. Still no pulse. Her fingers were getting cold and her body temp was dropping.

My Marian’s daughter handed me the phone and 9-1-1 immediately directed me to do chest compressions until the ambulance came. Time stood still. It seemed like 30 minutes had past, but it was really only about 10. When the ambulance came I stepped back and they took over. It was pure chaos, but also organized, if you know what I mean.

Several emergency response personnel came into the apartment. My neighbors were distraught, but had enough clarity to answer questions that the emergency team needed to know about Marian’s health history. I quietly ducked out and returned back home. Chunk was waiting at the door for his typical morning walk. I gathered myself and we went out.

Of course, this walk wasn’t typical with the chaos I witnessed. Oddly enough I wasn’t in any kind of stress or panic. Obviously because I wasn’t attached to the situation that had just unfolded moments before. My thoughts kept replaying all my steps. I remember walking into their home, and thinking, wow it’s really clean in here. There aren’t any toys on the floor, or any dishes in the sick. I had never been inside their home before.

The questions that had been asked by the team of life savers kept playing over in my head. When was the last time they had seen her? Was she on any medication? Did she have any medical conditions that they knew of? Makes sense to need to know these questions, but did they have the answers to them?

I then switched over my thoughts to being personal. Does anyone in my family know the answers to these questions? Would my neighbor be able to help in an emergency situation? And what does my apartment look like? If I died today would someone have a mess to clean up, or just some simple packing? I now look at my surroundings totally different. I’m confident that if I died today that it wouldn’t be that hard to place my things in boxes for donation or sale and I am not too close to my family so only my sister would know any medical details. (FYI lol)

This book helped me to understand how and why I should keep a tidy home.

Why did I mention the Marvel film? Death. Again, it is all around us. Characters that we have all grown attached to die. For a moment you may shed a tear or two or sniffle because you reflect on either the characters life, or your own. What could have gone differently to keep those characters alive? Was the last time that someone saw them a pleasant interaction? Or many more personal questions came up; Do I have any regrets? Have I lived my life to the fullest? Is there more I can do while I am here?

Side Note: Lots of open stories for more movies, in my opinion. It didn’t really feel like “Endgame” to me.

And on and on…the questions kept rolling through my mind. Which brings me to last night’s episode in Melody’s World. lol What is my “End Game” with my businesses? My Goddess Lifestyle is not only a budding brand, it’s also who I’ve become. Melody Jai is a “Sex Goddess” and in order for her to stay true to herself and her own sexual energy she has to have an end game for that business so she can merge with “The Dancing Priestess” to become one again.

Let me be clear about what has been going on so you aren’t confused. I’ve shot a lot of content and when all this has been published, I may or may not continue to make it. The reason is because the damage was already done by someone else posting content like this of myself without my permission. You can read that story here. At least this time I am making money off of it and not allowing people to watch it for free, but I already know people are downloading it and uploading it somewhere on the dark web cause that’s just how shitty some men are.

My end game was never to let you watch me have sex. I was trying to create a bigger brand for myself through my sexual energy and teach y’all how to cultivate it and use it to create. Which I will do, but not on the path I thought I’d be teaching it on. I’ve opened up the universe inside of me and my path to getting there is so much clearer now that I have an end game to the Melody Jai brand. I haven’t set an exact date, but once I have the projections of when that will be, I will let you guys know.

In the meantime, I will continue to publish content on  OnlyFans while I make a business transition. Thank you all for supporting me thus far. I am truly honored that you have followed me on this path.


My life’s goal is to ascend as much as I can before I leave this Earth and teach others the knowledge that I have learned to become the best person that I can be in this moment.

Because no moment is ever promised.

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