Kobe Bryant 1978-2020

The past few days have been an emotional rollercoaster for me. So much that it brought me back to my computer to speak my truth about what has been happening. I’m sure everyone at this point has heard about Kobe Bryant’s tragic death, and if you have been online or watching TV you’ve seen countless news stories, memes, clips and videos from fans and those who knew him personally. Very sad indeed.

I personally was never a Kobe fan. I respected his talent and skills, but like Lebron James, he was a bit too cocky on the court for my taste. The rape allegations didn’t sit well with me either, but I am not here to talk about the things I didn’t like about the man cause he did A LOT of amazing things and touched a lot of peoples lives. Plus I am a different person now and don’t hold things against people like that anymore.

As an empath, it has been difficult to navigate around the buzz online. Scroll anywhere on the internet and you’ll see clip after clip of people sharing stories about him. Tears welling up in their eyes and streaming down their faces as they pay homage and respect, and I can’t hold back my tears. I can feel their sadness deep in their chests. The tightness around their Anahata, or heart chakra, as they hold back tears. What I want to say is


Let the tears come, especially men. Show our culture that it is ok to cry. Men are allowed to cry too!!!! Men hurt also and feel sadness.  Little boys are watching you. You are setting a great example of vulnerability. Don’t take that away from your child because you don’t want them to think you are weak. Crying shows strength and allows your body to release the sadness. So cry!! I am hear crying with you. Helping you to release. Cry for the other families that lost their loved ones, cry for the people sharing their stories. My heart hears you and cries with you.

Death always puts things into a different perspective for people. Maybe you need to forgive someone or maybe you need to forgive yourself. Are there loved ones you haven’t checked on lately because you are too busy or have too much pride to check up on them. Is there someone you LOVE but haven’t told them yet?


Don’t wait until something tragic happens. We are not guaranteed each moment. Make each moment count!

No one ever really dies. That’s what I believe. So death to me doesn’t hit as hard as it use to, but it still makes me think about those in my life that I love and cherish their friendship.



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