FREEDOM!!! But now what?

Freedom. What is Freedom? And what do you want Freedom “from”? Or is it that you want Freedom “for” something? See these are two different ways of looking at Freedom. I have never thought about this until last night when I was reading the book “Freedom” by OSHO.

We fight most of our lives to free ourselves from the slave system, and yet never think about what to do when we finally reach Freedom? So that’s where I am now. What am I doing with the Freedom I fought so hard to get?

Upon returning from my trip to India, I’ve been bogged down with the question “What am I going to do?” I’m a blank canvas. I get to create the person I want to be. When you work on healing yourself and strip away all the old beliefs and agreements you’ve collected over the years, you’re left with something you’ve never experienced before, Freedom. You get to chose what path to go down. You are 100% responsible for the actions you take or karma.

Not only am I free from old patterns, karma, thoughts, beliefs etc but I worked hard to become financially free. That’s how I was able to not work for almost a year, but economic Freedom doesn’t always last. When I got back home I had to purchase a new vehicle. It was a tough decision to make because I didn’t want to be in debt again. I bit the bullet and did it, and I got an even better vehicle than what I had before. I found a good deal and it was a few thousand dollars less than what I almost settle on.

I was willing to go into debt to have a mode of transportation.

I’ve also been living off two credit cards. I want to keep what cash I have while I figure out where I am going to live and what I am going to do to earn money. Which creates even more debt, and just like that….I’m back in the economic slave system. The only difference is, I willingly put myself back in this position and am aware of the responsibility I now have. Before it seemed like I wasn’t taking responsibility for who I had become. It was like I was being controlled by what others thought and what others wanted me to do. With this new Freedom I am fully responsible for my actions.

This brings me back to what do I want Freedom “for”? Yeah I’m free to do whatever I want, but that doesn’t mean there is no responsibility with those choices. According to OSHO, once you have Freedom, your time should be spent being creative; writing, singing, dancing, meditating are all examples. So here I am creating through writing. In this moment I want Freedom so I can write, and I reserve the right to change my mind in the future.

I know for me, “true” Freedom is a spiritual path. The more I clean and clear out my subconscious and work on living in the moment, the closer I come to Total Freedom.



Journal Questions:

  1. How much cleaning and    clearing do you need to have the Freedom you want? 
  2. Do you know what you want Freedom “for”?


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