Why aren’t we Facebook friends?

Dear Facebook Friends,

Why aren’t we Facebook friends anymore? The simple answer is, I deleted you today. Not everyone, but pretty close to everyone. Don’t take it personal, I am going through a transformation that I don’t fully understand yet. I am so sensitive to energy now and very sensitive to others energy. So please understand that going from one post to the next on my timeline was triggering many different emotions inside of me. It’s just too much for me to handle right now.  The adjustment back to living in the U.S. and conforming back into this society has been challenging at times.

I will be posting another blog about what’s been going on and why I have been so quiet the past few weeks. It’s pretty exciting news! I can’t wait to share it with you. My Facebook page “Goddess Creation Workshop” is where I will be doing most of my postings from this point on.

I hope you understand,


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